
How to Monitor Your Website Visitors With Google Analytics

Posted on by Josh

Google Analytics

How do people find your website?  What did they click on?  How long did they stay?  Did your recent marketing effort work?  Flight school, or club,  these are important things to know in order to effectively maintain and grow your site.

Google Analytics is a powerful reporting tool that can give you incredible details about the visitors to your site. And, its free.

How to Signup for Google Analytics
Don’t maintain your own site? Just ask your website developer to add Google Analytics to your site. They should add you (your email address) as a user or admin. Then login here.

On your own…
Sign up here > Setup Google Analytics
Enter your website details and look for your Tracking ID. It looks like this: UA-41207692-1

How to Install Google Analytics
Does your site use WordPress?  Install this plugin. Then, just insert your ID and it will update all your pages.

Using GoDaddy, Network Solutions, or other hosting company with a management system?  Load up the manager and look for a setting for Google Analytics. Often there is a spot you can place this ID and it will update your website for you. (even more detail here)

Test It Out…
It may take a few minutes/hours to start working.  Verify by logging in, go to Admin tab, then click Tracking Info to see the status.  Should say Receiving Data.  You can also use the Real-Time option on the left to test it out (under Reporting tab).  Then, bring up your site in another browser or mobile phone.

Give it some times (days/weeks) for data to start to log from visitors. Then you can explore all the reports in Google Analytics to keep up with your visitors.

Want more? Here’s Google’s check list to getting the most out of Analytics.


Would you like us to review your website traffic?  Contact us and we’ll give it a once-over and make a few suggestions…. no charge!


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